“That Sounds Like A GREAT Idea”

I said…… when challenged with a 5k.

Not just any 5k, oh no.  The Roc Race.  Basically the show “Wipe Out” in real life.  Can you picture this?  ME??  Being knocked off of a beam by huge balls? Falling into the water below a crazy obstacle?  I mean really, even my trainer was hesitant about me doing it. So you know what I did?  Signed up.  Why not prove the ONE person who knows my limits, wrong (or right, we’ll soon find out).

Look  it up! www.rocrace.com  In fact, join our team!! There’s still time!

I have a chalkboard at home counting down my days until I get  my ass handed to me.  It sits at my front door as a reminder when I leave that I only have a few more days.. ok, fine 32, but it feels like it’s happening tomorrow.


These are some reactions I have gotten when telling people about the race:

‘OH! I know that race, I’m doing it too’ -not bad….

‘WHAT? YOU? You’ll never make it” -positive reinforcement from my trainer (I love him, he rocks, I swear)

‘Do you win anything?’ -No, because I’m pretty sure I won’t finish.

‘You may want to train on the monkey bars’ -manager at my gym.  Encouraging advice.

‘Please, for everyone, video tape it’ -GoPro anyone?


It’s Been A While…

No, not from excersising, or watching what I am eating; but from blogging about it.

In fact, life gets busy sometimes, am I right?  Summer events, work, school, parties, dinners with friends… things happen and they get in our way.  This post is to prove that no matter what comes your way, you can work out, be healthy, and be a better you.

Let’s start here; In the last year, I had a debilitating back injury, took a promotion at work in another state, lost my uncle, lost my job, went through a bit of a depression, went on vacation, got motivated, and got moving.

I have lost 33 pounds and a total of 41 inches.  Want some more to marinate on?  Let’s talk totals for working out… in the last year I have:

Gone 414.5 Miles

Burned 99,961 Calories

Worked out 238 times

In a total time of 108:42:46

Those numbers astound me, and I’m the one who’s working out!  The best part is, those numbers aren’t even accurate!  Countless times, I have forgotten to track my moves.

So, there it is, proof that even if life brings you plenty of ‘downs’ you are in complete control of your ‘ups’.