“Siri, What Flights Are Above Me?”

This was the running joke of the day, while my friend Sheila (you’ve seen her before) and I, walked around Castle Island.  Did you know that if you ask Siri what flights are over your head, she will tell you??  Not like we needed to ask… we are so close to Logan Airport, that we can read the plane, see the passengers, and taste the jet fuel.

Sheila and I always come up with the most random adventures.  Last time, we walked through the abandoned haunted hayride, and then up a MOUNTAIN (ski hill).  This time, we drove into Boston to walk around the beautiful Castle Island.  It really is nice to walk there, surrounded by the water, and people stretching their legs… in the summer.  In the frigid cold March weather?  Not so much.

It was cold.  Really cold.  I had my North Face hood squeezed as far closed as I could get it.  Sheila was covered in her sweatshirt.  We had music playing out loud (yeah, we’re THOSE people), and we just kept reminding ourselves how happy we were to be there.

The walk is a good distance; We managed a 2.18 Mile walk, before collapsing into icicles in my car.

Changing up the routine was the best thing for me.  I have been at the gym.  Inside.  Watching the gerbils on their wheels.  I have been ITCHING to get outside more, and walk, and Castle Island was the perfect place to go.

Only problem?  Resisting the fried fish and ice cream at Sullivan’s.  #alwaysafatkid

Just Keep Wunning.


PRE-Icicle stageIMG_6574

Post IcicleIMG_6575

Jet Fuel!!